The Illumina MiSeq System offers capabilities for small wholegenome sequencing, amplicon sequencing, gene expression profiling, small RNA analysis and 16s metagenomic sequencing in a compact instruement Using a high throughput kit, MiSeq can produce as much as 15 Gb of output from 50 million paired end reads (at a read length of 300 bp)TheIllumina® MiniSeq™ Systemprovideshighquality,industrystandardIlluminasequencingtechnologywith theconvenienceofaneasytousecosteffectivedesktopsystem Features u Highqualitysequencing— TheMiniSeqSystemenablessmallgenome,amplicon,targetedenrichment, The MiniSeq, Illumina's latest benchtop sequencer, enables more costefficient DNA sequencing relative to larger Illumina sequencing platforms (eg, MiSeq) Here we used a modified custom primer sequencing approach to test the fidelity of the MiniSeq for highthroughput sequencing of the V4 hypervariable region of 16S rRNA genes from complex communities in Miniseq System Illumina Inc Pdf Catalogs Technical Do...